Investments… everyone has to do it. Everyone wants to invest yet most people do not. The reasons for this are mainly because they are scared, the variety is exhaustive and they don’t know where to start. A person can invest in so many instruments such as shares, bonds, cash, direct property, listed property, unit trusts, endowments, structured products, ETF’s, sinking funds and retirement annuities to name a few.

The next level of investing is to decide if you want to invest offshore to provide further diversification and lower your risk. Investing can be a complicated and daunting task, but everyone has to invest in order to reach their financial goals. At RNC Personal Actuarial Advisors our houseview is based on goal-based investing. Investments are required to meet financial goals/objectives such as:

  • Saving for your children’s education;
  • Investing for your retirement;
  • Investing in an emergency fund;
  • Saving for your post-retirement medical aid;
  • Saving for that house, vehicle or holiday;
  • Investing your family’s legacy locally and/or offshore;
  • Investing for a “general” purpose should a specific goal not be initially identified.

Some of these goals are short-term goals and some are long-term. We at RNC help structure, implement and monitor investment strategies for each of your goals. We ensure these strategies have the highest chance of meeting your objectives whilst ensuring these investments are as cost and tax efficient as possible.

We have extensive investment expertise and a level of trust which will provide you with peace of mind when it comes to you and your family’s investment needs. We will help you with the selection of investments (and investment providers) so that your investment strategy is best-suited to you and your personal circumstances.